Spot: “Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God it even has a watermark.”

American Psycho 720x720 300dpi

American Psycho


  1. …and again the wife won this one…in my defense its pretty subtle, but still cool…..’My name’s Paul Allen. You got that ? You’re Christie. You’re to respond only to Christie’….HA!, sick freaking movie.

  2. daughter got this one after a few minutes of staring at it, and then she gushed ‘I’m in murders and executions’…umm, okay.

  3. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading 2 of these books and am getting ready to read the third.they are relaxing and distracting in a good way.i can totally immerse myself into the story and escape any pressure from daily life I may be going through.did I say I Love these dogs and there friends! I haven’t looked but I’m hoping there are more stories to read.please don’t stop writing.❤️

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