Smudge: “Hey Spot, I think that’s a dude.”

Dressed to Kill 720x720 300dpi

Dressed to Kill


  1. If my wife gets one more of these old movies I’m gonna freak…how the hell did she know this one?…and the dog’s are even in the reflection of the mirror…love it.

  2. Love all three books. Your character’s come to life for me! I think you are working on book four!
    I hope so. I want to vivisit with the family again….
    How do you pronounce Cu Sith

  3. Love your books! Love the family. I was drawn right into the story. I pictured each one, even the animals. How they looked moved each expression. I have done little but read since I bought your books. Fantastic and bated finishing. You have left room for more, hope be reading about Spot and Smudge again.

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