Smudge: “We are Smudge, b***h.”

Neegan peed on 720x720 300dpi

Negan from The Walking Dead


  1. Have just finished volume 2, and you’ve got me hooked… At 67, I’m a binge reader, so after 9 hours, volumes 1 & 2 are done, and resting for volume 3… Hope you’re well on your way to publishing volume 4… I love dogs, always have, and I’m a sucker for writing like yours. Thank-You, and God Bless You and Yours…

    • So very much appreciate the kind words and support Mr. Leffen!…I know they’re an investment in time and a few bucks so I thank you for reading my books…working on #4 now so stay tuned…lots more mayhem and craziness for our pups to get into…and I’m tossing a great big ‘bless you’ right back at you sir!

  2. My dashound (Badger)tells my(Rotwieler) Seminole what to do and when to do it. Badger=15lbs. Seminole=75 lbs. As a dog lover these 2 are so entertaining that I am always in awe. Again thanks for your contribution to my literary interest.

  3. Great reading inspires everyone.Thanks for your contribution. My dogs Seminole (Rotwiler) and Badger (Dashound) are the source of much entertainment for our family. Hope you have continuing success.

  4. Wow just finished First book. Thank you Mr Udulutch. Always surrounded by the pack. Thank the Dogs. My whole life I’ve lived with the furry and usually 4 legged kith and kin.Thanks to all of you canine lovers and everyone else that helped to get Spot and Smudge story out and about.
    I ‘ve finally found my Big Brainy Brother and Bigger Badder Sister. Thank you again Mr Udulutch, would it be too weird to call you Dad?

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